Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Link exchange, guest contributions, paid code words: blog behind the scenes

The blog "All my apps" I'm out of pure fun and joy. With server and web-designers, it costs more than it brings. But that's okay so I have no pressure to earn money with this hobby. A real hammer is just how much OTHER try to make my work interfere with coal.

I've been over twenty years IT journalist. I've written over 250 PC special editions, author of several books and collected about 20 file folders themselves mortise article. In recent years, I had a problem: the writing of new texts had degenerated into routine, I missed the fun and thrill. IPhone until I discovered that for me. The sheer inventiveness of the various apps that low prices and even the mobile revolution drove me to totally - and I had to participate in writing reviews again a tingling sensation in the stomach because it was important for me and others in my app discoveries leave. Now two years have rum, Allemeineapps.de brings thousands of visitors a day on average - and it's still fun.
Krass I just think how much others try to beat out my blog work an advantage for themselves. Daily rush at me for a link exchange requests to e-mail inbox. We're not talking about the iPhone inquiries from other blogs to be included in a blogroll, which is perfectly legitimate. Instead, I will incorporate links to online casino sites to financial institutions or similar thematically completely inappropriate sites. This of course makes sense - for the others. Backlinks from reputable sites with good PageRank and many visitors are important to the special page on SEO terms "push" so that it can be found in Google faster and better. But why should I build a link-desert, does not reveal itself to me. Especially since I use the promised backlinks on totally dissimilar sides nothing.
Then come the companies and offer me money suddenly. Not for an advertisement or something like Classic. No, they want that I associate certain code words in my lyrics with its URL. But they would dig deep into their pockets. Sure. Be associated more frequently certain terms on the Web with a Web address, the more likely it is that this web page as a result called on Google, if the word is searched. What many do not know Blogger: This is covert advertising and as such is contrary to competition law and to press and media laws. The separation rule provides that editorial and advertising must be separated clearly visible - even the Internet. That means bloggers who take money for such actions link can easily get problems with the judiciary. This also applies for paid editorial texts, which are not clearly declared as income.
For this reason, many companies are now different - more economical. So I keep getting mail that I sympathetically explain agencies that they know exactly how I'm updated. So they have a prescribed guest post for me, I just still need to publish, but that I would save a lot of work and cost nothing. Sure, the course makes the blog full, but the one I write all my lyrics in Allemeineapps.de itself and on the other hand although I am always very enthusiastic and spread good points: I look for but also very accurate out the apps that it worth are so many words are lost on them.
Last came again as an email: "I've seen that you report on your blog a lot about iPhone apps / games. I have great interest to publish a guest article about a few of my favorite games. "At first I thought there would be a new staff recommend, maybe a student or a student who has just discovered the letter for themselves. Then I discovered that this email came directly from an agency. Nice try, guys.
Oh yes: As always, Americans are much more German than we do. Many bloggers publish an app-review in the United States openly only if the app developers to pay for money. Upwards of $ 30 is compensation for the testing effort of the question. Oh great: Since the developers already pay money for it, they have an "honest review" received. And then, of course, is not "advertising" on the texts.